Thursday, August 28, 2008

On Top Of The World

Another day in Taiwan and another bunch of steps taken to get to know Will! We spent some time at breakfast and later in the afternoon with an Australian couple who just adopted their second Taiwanese son yesterday. Conner is only about 3 weeks younger than Will but Will looks like he could be twice as old! Then, we had some what of a nap (Will's still not into any sort of a regular schedule and keeps taking cat naps as opposed to a good, solid 2 hour nap . . . Something that will be remedied when we get back to the States!).

Our afternoon found us on top of the world (almost literally)! We rode the world's fastest elevator up to the top of the world's tallest building. The views from on top of Taipei 101 were breathtaking! Will slept through half of it, and the half he was awake for was fast . . . The boy can get fussy!

From there, Daddy and Will tried to go swimming in the kid pool at the hotel only to find out that here in Taiwan children are not allowed in pools (even kiddie pools) until they are 3 years old! The ladies at the adoption agency were terrified to hear about Livie and Evie's swimming lessons at 1 and 2 years old! I guess they worry about young children in pools. The Taiwanese people seem to be particular about pools in general; even with adults. What a country . . .

So, instead of swimming, Daddy and Willie went for a walk in Taipei. Will loves the stroller and seeing the sights as we walk. We found our way to a book store where we picked up a book on the history of Taiwan. It seems clear that Will's speciality will be wooing the ladies! He was laying the charm on pretty thick!

Since we haven't had too much of an American meal since our arrival (other than last night's Pizza Hut that is), we found an Outback Steakhouse just around the corner! For those of you who've adopted from China or Guatemala, I bet you would have liked to have seen one of those on your trip!

So it was another full day on the eastern front. Tomorrow, we're seaside and will finally get Will's visa and passport! More to come . . .!


Anonymous said...

Oh my word!!!!! We have been in Vegas and now I can finally post!
Will is so cute and so chunky! I cannot wait for "our" first diaper change!!
Congratulations to the Bianco five - what a beautiful and amazing family you have!
Sunday cannot come soon enough-
The Wininghams

hausmann said...

Chris and Roger....